Amazon vine reviewers hailed [the draft of] (Marvin's) World of Deadheads as "a fresh take on the traditional ghost story, and it's handled with a great deal of style."
And, "Marvin and Tommy are fun guys; I would totally hang out with them. This one's a lot of fun."
Publisher's Weekly said, "The author captures interest immediately when Marvin, a 28-year-old mensch living in Dayton, Ohio, is killed by a bus in front of his condo..."

(Marvin's) World of Deadheads will be available in the Fall of 2012 in both print and ebook.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

80 More to Go

As promised, I've been editing, editing, editing. I've got about 80 more pages to run past the writer's group. At an average of 10 pages per week, it'll take 8 more weeks. Then the real fun begins! I've had full manuscripts out to beta readers and I'll go through those suggestions as well.

It amazes me that after almost two full years there are still major things which need to be changed or fixed. I wish I had the funds to hire a pro to give the book one more thorough edit... But, even that doesn't guarantee the book will be perfect. I guess the old adage about a piece of art never being finished is true. Especially when you read articles about successful authors, such as Stephen King and John Grisham, who've had inconsistencies pointed out sometimes years after a book has been in print!

Full steam ahead toward publication!


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