Amazon vine reviewers hailed [the draft of] (Marvin's) World of Deadheads as "a fresh take on the traditional ghost story, and it's handled with a great deal of style."
And, "Marvin and Tommy are fun guys; I would totally hang out with them. This one's a lot of fun."
Publisher's Weekly said, "The author captures interest immediately when Marvin, a 28-year-old mensch living in Dayton, Ohio, is killed by a bus in front of his condo..."

(Marvin's) World of Deadheads will be available in the Fall of 2012 in both print and ebook.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Monday, Monday

True thanks to everyone who has stopped by so early on in the game. It means a lot, and  Tommy, Mike and I are thrilled to have you aboard. All three of us were so happy to see you, we did a good deed: we stopped a woman from stepping out into traffic. I opened her purse and Tommy filched a few items and tossed them to the ground so she'd stop. See? Us deadheads aren't such bad folks when you get to know us.

Monday is going to be an important day for the whole gang of us. It's the day Amazon announces who's moved into Round 4 of the Breakout Novel Award. The closer it gets, the more nerve-wracking it will be. I'm excited and scared (yes, ghosts can be scared!) at the same time.

We give special thanks to all you live folks who read the excerpt and left a review. And Mrs. McClaskey commends your good manners. If you haven't surfed your way over to the Amazon site to do that, there's still time. Here's the LINK

We'll post the results here as soon as we all recover from the shock - be it over moving into the next round or licking our wounds for not making it. Of course, the wounds won't be fatal (we're already dead, remember?).

Posted by Marvin.

1 comment:

  1. congrats this is awesome news will be keeping up with what's happening.


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